Getting the Most out of LinkedIn

Last year, we highlighted the recent purchase of LinkedIn by Microsoft and discussed how the changes would potentially change the professional online network.  Many changes have taken place since that announcement.  Today, we’re discussing those changes and more so that you are “in the know” about how all these changes affect your career. Overall Changes […]

References: What to look for when hiring

  Checking references to make sure a candidate is a great fit for your company is indeed a skill. Not everyone is an expert at sourcing top talent, but there are some tactics hiring managers can apply when checking references. We can’t give you all our tricks, but we can provide you with these basics […]

5 Vital LinkedIn Tips for 2014

Like most people in business, we try to keep up with the ongoing changes happening in social media and specifically LinkedIn.   This vast social network is changing so quickly, it’s challenging for most professionals to stay current with its latest or most important features.  In order to help our friends and followers, we decided to […]

Résumé versus a LinkedIn Profile

One question I get from time to time from applicants is: How detailed should my LinkedIn profile be?  Or Should my resume mirror my LinkedIn profile? Although a resume and LinkedIn profile to some people may seem similar, they are still very different modes of communication.  LinkedIn is an online professional network that has grown […]